Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Seniors' TLE Practicum

The seniors had their TLE Practicum on Food Preparation and Fine Dining. With Madam Cecille Guiniling supervising, the seniors showed their artistic and culinary talents... Aren't they fabulous?


Brionelle Dunuan said...

It's, WOW! Students, and surely other Ifugaos will be excited.
I appreciate very much this grand idea. It opens doors for student to exhibit their potentials, their creativity.
I'm looking forward to more!

Nance said...

Congratulations on the "birth" of our dear SJS website!
And to the staff, what a job well done!
Hopefully we would be seeing stuff of the good ole days as far back as Fr. Moerman's time.
More power to all!

cy said...

The TLE Practicum was really great!!! I enjoyed being with my classmates while having this activity!!!

Thank you for giving us this big opportunity to bring out our talents specially in our fine dinning and servicing!!!!!!!!!

cy said...

The TLE Practicum was very successful..it was really a great help to all of us, the senior students!!!

thank you for this great opportunity you have given us to bring out our talents in fine dinning and servicing!!!!!!!!!!

thank you! thank you! thank you!

eddie said...

Wow! It's wonderful indeed! Keep up the good work. It's an honour for you guys.